EditorialPage 1"Peace cannot be protected"by Guruji Sri VastPage 4Peace is love in every stepPage 9The wish for peacePage 11The power of looking withinPage 14Finding peace equals falling in lovePage 16Life without opposites brings me peacePage 18Recipe: Grand Divinya SaladPage 19Living Enlightenment:Retreat with Guruji Sri VastPage 20Divinya CalendarPage 21An Invitation for PilgrimsPage 22This 708 287 482divinyaofficial
greetings fromthe divinya community!Everything around us is blooming at the moment, lilac, rhododendron bushes and poppies of all colors– there is an opening up everywhere, a reaching towards the light, a feast of colors, forms andfragrances, a celebration of life. We are sure that your eyes have also witnessed this beautifultransformation in nature in the past few months – so much beauty, peace and grace all around us.How can we ever understand that at the very same time, so much suffering is caused by humans in theworld; that we are still going through so much conflict and hardship? The bewilderment remains, andone question becomes more and more urgent: How can we humans also live in natural peace? This Divinya Times edition we dedicate to this very question. In a way, we can say this quest for peace– for peace within oneself, and peace among a group of people – lies at the heart of Divinya.Here in Divinya, we are united by the vision to create a life in beauty, love, freedom and sacredness.Divinya wants to move towards a new reference of life: A life in peace and harmony among all peopleand all beings. What recipe makes it possible for so many people – from different countries, different backgrounds,and different age groups – to live together so peacefully?In Divinya, we are very clear in our commitment to personally contribute to this peaceful atmospherein our daily life. Creating an inclusive and warm environment by cultivating a non-judging and non-blaming attitude, which is not making anything or anybody wrong or holding them as our opposites.Naturally, this supports a nurturing ground for everybody's inner growth towards finding more innerpeace and harmony.DIVINYA TIMES PAGE 1DEAR SOULS,
PAGE 2Imagine that the natural human state is peace. Therefore,not being in peace means that we are doing somethingwhich separates us from experiencing our natural state.Hence, ‘being in peace’ is not about doing something extrain order to find peace, but it is rather about dropping allthought patterns and habits, which are not allowing us toexperience the peace that we actually are.Don’t we all long to experience our natural peace? Whenwe become aware of this longing, then everything elsebecomes less important. Is there anything, anydisagreement, any quarrel, any desire, worth losing mypeace over? This realization comes with a strongcommitment to staying in peace no matter what. To stay inpeace in our thoughts, words and actions. A commitmentto direct everything towards peace. Being on a spiritual path includes working towards comingback to one’s inner peace – an inner peace that isunshakable, that cannot be disturbed by any outercircumstances. Whether I am in peace or not, should not bedependent on the situation I am in, or how the peoplearound me behave, but solely on my inner state, myperception, and my ability to transcend whatever comes tome. The more we become aware of our thoughts and emotionalpatterns, the more we understand that we are creating ourworld. Whatever we see outside is only a reflection of thatwhat is inside. Any outer conflict is actually only anexpansion of an inner conflict. With that shared understanding, everyone is pursuingpeace within themselves first, instead of trying to correctand change others. Instead of making others or anysituation responsible, we are willing to take responsibilityfor our own inner state and the way we live our lives. Whatever we disagree with in others and in the world, ourfirst commitment is to look inside and inquire in what waywe might have the same attitude within us; in what way wemight be part of creating this situation or feeding thisenergy.When we discontinue this energy, then we are part of thesolution instead of being part of the problem. This is whyone of our main sadhanas is the practice of transcending:Whatever energy comes to me, in me, it should transforminto peace.DIVINYA TIMES
DIVINYA TIMESOnly by bringing peace within me, can I radiate it, and contribute to a peaceful world. Wheneverybody starts with themselves, then peace among each other is the natural outcome.Another sadhana in Divinya is to not hold onto things that have happened in the past. Every day is anew day, even every moment is a new moment. None of us is the same person today as we wereyesterday. It is a beautiful practice to try one's best to approach oneself and others newly, again andagain, instead of already coming to a conclusion and expecting a certain behavior. This also means thatwe don’t hold grudges against each other. So, even if a disagreement would occur, we are always ready to drop it and start over again – new andfresh. Sometimes the solution can be to hold on to the peace even while having different opinions, andnot having the need to necessarily find an accord. If we think about how many conflicts are actuallyonly old quarrels from the past, which are connected to belief systems and conditionings ―accumulated resentments over days, weeks, months or even years ― and often do not even haveanything to do with this very moment or the person in front of us; then it becomes clear how powerfulthis little sadhana is in ensuring peace among us.In this Divinya Times edition, members of the community share their experiences in their quest forpeace. As a special addition, we have the honor to publish an article from a Satsang with Guruji SriVast. It gives an all-embracing answer to the question: How to build a world in true peace foreveryone, without projecting enemies?At this moment we are united with all of you in prayer for global peace and freedom. Let us all startwith ourselves. Let us all take the first step. Let us radiate peace wherever we are, in whatever we do,and with whomever we share this present moment, and make this world an ever more peaceful, evermore beautiful place to live in for everyone.DIVINYA TIMES PAGE 3With love and devotion,the Divinya Community
Now is the time to re-install peace in humanity, as a whole humanity. Not as a separated humanity. Weneed to find a solution for everyone, not for one side only. The two hands are part of the same bodyand one hand cannot be the winner against the other hand. The pain belongs to the whole body. In thesame way, we are one humanity.We have the tendency to create opposition, to condemn someone and then believe that by suppressingsomeone we will find the solution. It is very important not to create an enemy, no matter what thesituation is. By the time you create an enemy, the fight is on. You create fear, and whenever a personfeels fear, he wants to protect himself and will threaten back to create the same fear. Then you getthreatened, so you threaten back to create the same fear again. The fear is the ball which we are kickingtowards each other, threatening each other, with the hope that we will be protected – protected fromthe fear created in us. You cannot be a winner and create a loser. Winning means that as a humanitywe need to be a winner, not that a group of people is the winner and another group of people is theloser. That is the very root of the problem. We can’t create evil and promise to be protected from thesame evil which we have created.“Peace cannot be protected”Guruji Sri VastPAGE 4 DIVINYA TIMES
Inclusiveness is veryimportant. You need toinclude everyone into you,as you. Then peace ispossible. As long as wedon’t see the wholehumanity as one humanity,the problem will not be solved.When dealing with any conflict we have to recognizethat at the end everyone wants to be in peace, everyonewants to be in freedom. Deep inside everyone loveseveryone. Deep inside we are all divine. Deep inside weare all equal.Inclusiveness is very important. You need to includeeveryone into you, as you. Then peace is possible.Everyone is included in your peace. When you think,“without you I will be in peace”, how is it possible? Itneeds to be a win-win solution, always. As long as wedon’t see the whole humanity as one humanity, theproblem will not be solved.Solving the problem does not mean solving thesituation. Situations are not the problem; separation isthe problem. Situations are the consequences ofseparation. If we want to solve the problem, we have toresolve the separation, and only when we are movingtowards unity, can the separation be resolved.A life without enemy, without opposition. Unless wereach this point, we keep on identifying someopposition to fight against, and this itself is sustainingthe fight.We learned to create opposites. We learned to project the problem onto others. And all conflicts arethe consequence of that. It is the collective energy of the same projection. When we wish for peace, wecan’t say that this peace is for certain people and exclude other people outside this peace zone. Thennaturally, we are not in peace because we create separation. We separate and protect this separation –we lose the peace.We have to recognize that love is the way, peace is the way, freedom is the way; oneness is the way thatbrings people together.Humanity needs to move further. We have to understand that we are not fighting against people. Wecan have disagreement with a certain energy, a certain attitude, but not with people.That is also applicable to every individual. Every individual is contributing to certain energies.Everything is created collectively. We cannot name one single person as being responsible forsomething. We have to recognize that we are all responsible.DIVINYA TIMES PAGE 5
You may say that powerful people are able to create so much destruction, due to their capacity. And anormal, simple person may have the same attitude, but his capacity is less and he destroys within hiscapacity. I don’t see the difference between them, only the capacities are different.You may say “I’m not like him, I’m not like her.” But in different forms, in different colors, we mayhave the same attitude. When we see “this is not what I agree with”, we have to see that I don’t agreewith it in me either. So, I need to transform. Whatever we don’t agree with, first say “I am free from it.First, I clean myself.” And from there the solution starts. You, as an individual, become a solution.Otherwise, you are part of the collective problem that you are trying to find the solution for.If you don’t agree with an attitude, don’t apply that attitude to the people around you. First honoryourself, then honor every person next to you. Every problem and every solution are very close to youand you have to find them there. Once you find the solution in your heart, you will see that thesolution already starts to manifest outside you.Once you are free from the problem, another energy arises in you. You are not acting through guilt orshame or fear. You are acting through pure love and compassion. And that gives another space withinyou. That compassion, that pure love, that pure peace inside you, never saw an enemy, never saw aperson, but it will show you an energy. It will show what is not good, but not who is not good. Thoseare two totally different things.Your thoughts, words and actions are not only leading you; they are leading the humanity. With allyour thoughts, all your words, all your actions, you are giving a direction to the whole humanity toevolve further. It starts with you. You are a contributor to that.
If you create hatred or separation, that is available for everyone. In the same way, when an individualenters into peace, it is not just an individual who enters into peace, the whole humanity is fed withpeace. By the time the solution arises in your heart, this solution is naturally uploaded in the cosmicplane. This solution becomes available for everyone.Be an active contributor towards peace. Be an active contributor towards unity; one humanity, living inharmony with all beings.We have to find a new kind of understanding, a new humanity, a new way of living this life on thisplanet. I see how every situation is moving us towards that. That is the nature of life itself. Life is a self-transforming organism. It is self-evolving. When we are in an endangered situation, whether withinthe humanity or from outside, we become collective, we unite. We start to become one with each other,we start to dissolve the differences between us and face the situation together. We start to understandeach other’s needs, each other’s feelings, each other’s dignities.Freedom cannot be protected. We are in that phase of uniting. But it is very important not to uniteagainst someone - uniting as one humanity. Not freedom from someone or freedom for someone, butfreedom itself - freedom for all. That is the path. And we are moving in that direction. That is thehuman evolution.DIVINYA TIMES PAGE 7
Your thoughts, words and actions are not only leading you;they are leading the humanity. With all your thoughts, allyour words, all your actions, you are giving a direction tothe whole humanity to evolve further. It starts with you.GURUJI SRI VAST
I am deeply thankful for life, which led me to a place where I am supposed to be at this time. For aplace that gives me the opportunity to experience peace. A place that makes me feel loved and allowsme to express love in new forms. I found Divinya and am living here for eight months.For the two years before I arrived here, I felt really challenged by the global pandemic and thepolitical situation our world is in at the moment, by my own fears of what might happen in thefuture, by my job which I felt stuck in. I felt as if I was not able to be who I really am and do what Iam really here for in this world; feeling alone a lot of the time and also often not understood by thepeople around me. I was longing for freedom and peace inside and out. I was always wondering‘What would Love do at this moment, how would Love decide?’ But I couldn’t quite figure it out andI was not able to feel it at all.Being in Divinya I am starting to understand much more clearly what is happening inside me andaround me. I am finding out that there is still so much to learn and that I am so much greater than Ithought I was. That life is meant to be lived and experienced fully. More and more I start to feel that Ican be who I am and that is exactly the greatest gift I can give to this planet. I start to see thateverything begins within myself – that I see the world through how I am. It’s not that I didn’t know,believed or said this before, but I was so distracted by everyday life, that I didn’t really experience it insuch an intense way, which I am able to do here. Peace is love in every stepCathrinDIVINYA TIMES PAGE 9
In Divinya I am encouraged to see everything and everyone as a present which is given to me as anopportunity to grow towards peace and towards love. Not everything and everyone feels like a presentat first sight. It is often challenging in a lot of ways and at so many layers. However, if I open up to theunderstanding that life gives me situations and people who are meant for me, everything and everyonebecomes interesting since I am able to discover more of who I am. I start to even like those challengesand be grateful for them because they help me to grow. It would be so much easier to run or hide, tofeel sad or angry. It is not wrong by any means. It’s just that it won’t bring me either peace or love. Butinstead, it will disconnect me.Now I really understand that if I want to see peace in this world, the only way is to create peace withinme, in every conversation, in my friendships and family. If I am longing for love, I can ask myself if I am giving and expressing enough love. When I am in peace, there is so much space that is not occupied anymore by holding onto emotions or people, words or thoughts. In this space I can find so much love, which was already there, waiting to be expressed. When I express it, I can feel that I am love and that my peace cannot be broken....Ok, maybe I’m not there yet all the time. But peace is every step and love is an every moment decision. I am taking steps. A lot of steps. Sometimes smaller. Sometimes bigger. And I enjoy them along the way. Like being on an inspiring walk. So much to discover and not wanting to arrive somewhere. Just to feel and see what isthere. Because that is what a walk is all about. To enjoy what’s on the way. Enjoy my feelings. Enjoy mymovement. Enjoy my love for this very moment. Enjoy my experience of moments in peace.PAGE 10 DIVINYA TIMES
I remember when I was a child, before Christmas and before my birthday, my parents used to ask me:“What do you wish for?” The answer was always: “I want peace on Earth”.But growing up trained into a culture and patterns and a particular understanding of how life issupposed to be, getting more and more alienated from what is natural, I slowly forgot this longing forpeace and coming closer to who I am.After many years of trying to fit into the norms of what a successful life is supposed to look like ―education, job, being self-employed, relationship, flat, summerhouse, car, friends, dinners, family,creating material wealth... I realized that all this ― the joy of buying things for my home, clothes,going to restaurants, parties, concerts, festivals, on holidays ― all was short-time joy and contentment.Being on a treadmill. Always on the run.I was missing meaning in life. I was pulled to spending more time in nature, I started to be interestedin spirituality and dove into different ways of approaching life, and started a self-healing process. Atone point I had a deeply transformative experience, feeling immense peace, freedom and joy. The wish for peaceFrankDIVINYA TIMES PAGE 11
Whatever comes to you – judging, blaming, criticizing, anger, guilt, shame, jealousy, fear, doubt, rejection – become aware of it, transform it, turn it into peace. Don’t let it continue. Make sure it stops with you. Insist on peace in every situation. Don't keep anyone as responsible inside of you for disturbing your peace.If you dream for peace, be aware every day in the morning: Today I want to be in peace. At the end of the day, look back and be thankful for the peace you enjoyed this day. I knew that I had to change the way I was living. I quit my job, sold my apartment, land, car,motorbike, all my things, ended a 7-year relationship. I was letting go of all the safety with a trust inexistence, that it will lead me and take care of me.For the next seven years, I was seeking. I traveled around the world, stayed in ashrams, monasteries,meeting Gurus, lamas and teachers. I learned, grew and had many experiences. But without knowinghow to translate all this, all my experiences and insights, into a practical way of living, I slowly fell backto living according to the norms I already knew.After some years of not feeling profoundly content, the longing to live naturally and in peace cameback. The search started again. I started to dive into the philosophy of Advaita Vedanta and the self-inquiry “Who am I?”. I found new ways to approach myself and life, but still, something was missing.So I decided that the next coming year would be for transformation. I took 3 months off from my joband other engagements, and went to India. On my first day there I met Guruji Sri Vast, and theTeachings resonated deeply with me.For me it is so helpful to follow these profound and practical Teachings: Here are some practical glimpses which helped me the most:It's all about one’s inner experience. Finding out what I truly want, and then being aligned with that inmy thoughts, words and actions. So when it is peace that I want, then it is helpful to see if what I amthinking, what I am saying and what I am doing is bringing me peace. This guidance has changed mylife. My wish for peace in the world, for everyone, is still there. But now I understand that it all startswith me. Peace on Earth starts with peace inside myself.PAGE 12 DIVINYA TIMES
PAGE 14 DIVINYA TIMESWhat I see clearly now is that peace is always there even though sometimes I get carried away byemotions. The peace is always there. The Teachings I have received in Divinya have made meunderstand that what helps me to come to peace is to be clear about what brings me peace and whatdoesn’t:I am not at peace when I worry, judge, blame, deny, betray, in fear, suspicious, criticize, creating an opposite or enemy.Having expectations doesn’t bring me peace.Dissolving the ego brings peace. Not creating opposite, not fighting for or against anything or anybody, but including, gives peace. To respond to what is in front of me gives peace. Doing good to others, serving authentically, pure caring and sharing give joy and peace.Being open and trusting in the existence that everything is fine, gives peace. Being in presence gives peace.I understand now that all that I went through, it all led me to this very moment. I feel blessed and grateful to be in a human body, being able to experience with all the senses. To havethe ability to experience, transform and liberate. After all those years of searching, finally to have comehome. Living in the Divinya Sangha in togetherness, sharing and caring, exploring, living and learningabout life and about who I am as a natural, cosmic, divine, being, gives me so much peace and joy. All is given by grace.DIVINYA TIMES PAGE 13
the power of looking withinVeerleBefore I came to Divinya I was blaming and protesting against the government for not understandingthe urgency to reform our education system, to implement policies against climate change and toimprove gender equality. I remember myself shouting during those protests. I really could notunderstand why they would not support my idea of a life lived in harmony with ourselves, other peopleand the planet. The same attitude I had when I was facing my teachers in college, or my parents athome. I was creating my opposite wherever I went. The deeper I enter into myself by being here in Divinya, the more I see how we as humans project thefear, anger, guilt and shame that we have stored in our bodies onto each other, and how I myself, havebeen doing this so much in different situations. I can see now so clearly that I was actually feelingpowerless, and how I was very afraid of looking into this feeling. It was at that time too hard for me tolook at myself, I could only act it out on others. PAGE 14 DIVINYA TIMES
Looking at what other people trigger in you can be such an uncomfortable thing to do. It asks of you tobe radically honest about yourself. When I started looking inside of me I found that I was feeling hurtand I had to finally give myself the space to feel it ― only then the wounds can heal. But you will notheal if you keep hating the world, if you keep blaming others, if you keep fighting. We all want tospend our life loving and taking care of each other. But instead, we inflict the wounds we have on eachother, keeping the protection layers we have built up alive. Real strength is to withdraw from hating. Itis the strength to stop projecting ― to stop creating this 'you' and this 'me', who need to protectthemselves from each other ― and instead, look within. By being in Divinya and inquiring into the values we share here, I started to understand that there isno opposite, there are just the conditions to fight against. Only if I learn to honestly look into what isbeing triggered in me by other people without projecting anyone as wrong, I can really do somethingfor the world and for myself. Only by doing this, the feeling of being powerless will start to dissolveand true peace will start to arise. Together with this deep insight arose a firm commitment in me to tryto apply this every day as much as I can. Whenever I catch myself projecting on others and creating anopposite to ‘me’, I try to become aware of this trap and not fall into it.Being given the opportunity to reflect on myself in this way, I feel such a strength arising in me. SlowlyI can feel the need to protect myself from others, dissolving. By living together with so many people welearn so much from each other about the way we function. Being able to live in such a peace among us,is only possible because we are not afraid to meet what is happening inside of us. Peace is already there,but we have to look into what is blocking us from experiencing it. Then life becomes so beautiful. DIVINYA TIMES PAGE 15
I always talked about wanting to have a positive impact on the world and creating a sustainable planet.The world we live in is so divided. During my travels, I searched for other ways of living, for differentways of perceiving life. I saw suffering ― people who worked more than double the amounts of hoursthat I did, but barely earned enough money to feed themselves. “How is it possible that so many peopledo not have enough food to eat or a place to sleep? What is the reason that people who seemingly haveit all, still seem unsatisfied? How can the world come to peace so that everybody can live equally onthis planet?” Those were questions I could not find answers to.However, now by living in Divinya, I realize that the way I spent my time and energy before, was notnecessarily creating a better world. What I did mostly, was trying to escape the feeling of separation.All that I had pursued in society had created a stronger sense of self, which only made me feelseparated from life. Slowly I had become identified with my ‘achievements’. The stronger this ‘me’became, the more I felt separated and the more I needed appreciation and acknowledgment for these‘achievements’. Being in Divinya I have realized that I wasn’t looking for peace in the world, but forpeace in myself. I can only give what I have, and peace was yet to be found within. I know now thatpeace is my natural state, but since I had been conditioned too long for so many things that I wasrunning after, I did not feel this peace.Finding peace equals falling in loveTwanPAGE 16 DIVINYA TIMES
I have realized that I am related to allhuman beings because we are all capableof experiencing the same emotions. Webelong to one human consciousness.Hence, if I enjoy something whichbrings harm to others, the other side ofthe coin is that I will also feel guilt andshame for this. To not feel this guilt, Iwas unconsciously justifying mybehavior, comparing myself andcreating opposites. The mind easily says:“Everybody does this”, or “Thegovernment has to take action”. It hasbeen confronting to realize that theworld situation is a consequence of themany needs that I had. And that thediscomfort I felt in my body came fromnot having my actions aligned with mywords.Even though I knew that my lifestyle put a lot of pressure on the planet and that it was impossible foreverybody to have this lifestyle, I still couldn’t see clearly that at the end of the day it is this lifestyle thatis the root of the world’s suffering. If everyone would have these excessive needs, there would soon belittle left of our planet.In Divinya, I experience now such joy by being actively engaged in creating and sustaining our lifewith our own efforts. At the same time, I am starting to become more self-sustainable inside of me. Inthe togetherness that I live in, I no longer wish for personal space or belongings, nor for time for thisso-called ‘myself’. By being able to express my love unconditionally, through the selfless creation of acommon space for people to come together, I feel fulfilled. My mind is less and less occupied with theneeds I had before. I now experience that my true freedom is not being able to go everywhere I want orto be able to buy everything I want, but to be free from these very needs and desires and to be free tocare and share with everybody as my brothers and sisters. My life has been enriched. Since what I do is more in line with my desire for a sustainable planet wherepeople can live as equals, I finally feel at peace. My happiness is becoming independent and Iexperience the greatest joy by sharing the life that I live. Through the peace that I experience, I amdiscovering the connection to life that I was longing for. It feels like I’m falling in love with everyoneand everything around me.DIVINYA TIMES PAGE 17
It has been a while since I visited my Divinya home, now I'm back in my "home home". All of the Teachings and the rich experience of life lived in the community, with such beautiful souls, tumbled around my idea of 'me' so much – how I defined myself, how I perceived what is natural, what is normal, what are my goals, my desires... Everything became an opportunity to see how I sustained that idea of 'me', which served no one but myself. It is not about right or wrong. It is about knowing myself –nothing “spiritual” like knowing my “higher” self or my full potential or anything like that – knowingmyself radically, whom I thought I was. I always saw life in opposites. If I am right then someone else needs to be wrong, or if someone is rightthen I must be wrong. This idea kept me busy in my mind. For this idea to be alive, I always need tothink about someone somewhere, doing something better or worse than me. Every action I do I mustcompare, every word I hear I must define. With this one simple idea of someone out there who isdifferent from me, I was bound to sustain “me”. By understanding what I really wanted, and now understanding my natural state, I am defined in acompletely new way. The Teachings in Divinya opened my eyes, telling me that what I truly am isbeauty, love and freedom. With this realization, I don’t question my life anymore. I don’t need tocreate opposites since there is no need to confirm my identity. Since there is no one to think about andcompare to, my time, thoughts, body and senses can be here and participate in the life that ishappening now. With this freedom to respond fully to life, I am at peace. Life without opposites brings me peaceLukaPAGE 18 DIVINYA TIMES
Instructions:The saladCut the sweet potato into small cubes. Season with salt,pepper and sunflower oil. Roast in the oven at 190degrees celsius until slightly golden brown. Roast thehazelnuts in the oven at 180 degrees, remove the skinand chop roughly. Cook the quinoa. Open thepomegranate and take out the seeds. Cut the figs intothin strips. Wash and dry the salad leaves. Cut theavocado into thin slices and pour a little lemon juiceover them to maintain the color.Fill individual bowls first with a layer of salad leaves;add quinoa, sweet potatoes, avocado and pomegranate.Then add a second layer of salad leaves. Decorate thesalad with sweet potatoes, avocado, pomegranate, figsand hazelnuts. Finish with some alfalfa sprouts in themiddle and beetroot sprouts on the top. The beetroot soupCut the beetroot and potatoes into small cubes. Cut theonions into thin strips. Peel the ginger and blend it with1 garlic clove and a little water in a mixer, until it is apaste.Melt some butter in a pan and add, according to yourtaste, some chili flakes and 1 teaspoon of cumin seeds.Stir. Add the second clove of garlic, and fry briefly. Addthe onions and some salt and fry until soft. Add theginger/garlic paste and some pepper. Add the potatoesand the beetroot, and stir. Add water until thevegetables are covered. Cook the soup until the vegetables are soft. Blend thesoup with a hand blender and if needed, add more wateruntil it has the desired consistency. Add, according totaste, some lemon juice and coconut milk.We usually enjoy this beautiful dish in the community with fresh garlic bread or withcrackers and tomato butter. Grand Salad withBeetroot SoupIngredients for 4 people: For the salad around 300 gm salad leaves sprouts (alfalfa, soy and beetroot):20-30 gm of each 1 roasted sweet potato 1 avocado1/2 pomegranate4 figs 120 gm quinoaa handful of roasted hazelnutsFor the dressingOlive oil, white balsamic vinegar,honey, salt and pepperFor the beetroot soup280gm beetroot240gm potatoes1 small onion2 garlic cloves10gm ginger40gm butterchili flakes1tsp cumin seedssalt, pepper coconut milklemon juiceEvery New Moon and Full Moon, thekitchen team creates beautiful GrandSalads for the whole community.
Welcome to a 10-day inward journey – full of joy, full of love and full of light – in thegraceful presence of Guruji Sri Vast. The profound Teachings and guidance of theenlightened Master lead towards total liberation. The Living Enlightenment Retreat is aunique opportunity to go beyond all conditioning and come closer to our true Self. Guruji Sri Vast shares a profound path to enter into the realm of the Enlightened State – a world of infinite Self. The Master’s graceful and loving presence and flow of naturalwisdom bring direct experiences of Living Enlightenment.Every Living Enlightenment Retreat is a unique life-affirming experience –an exciting new journey inviting one to be born once again.Living EnlightenmentYEARLY SUMMER RETREAT10-day Retreat with Guruji Sri Vast“Liberate, totally Liberate, until the question of Liberationdisappears within you. Flow, just flow with the Life. In thatflow you and me will disappear. The comparison of your inner andouter world will disappear. Without knowing you will realizethat you are already there.”GURUJI SRI VAST
HOW TO PARTICIPATEDIVINYA CALENDARLiving EnlightenmentPeace GatheringsRegularly on SundaysMelt your heart in devotional singing, and celebrate the Glory of Life. EverySunday we come together in Divinya for a Singing Gathering and Satsang withGuruji Sri Vast.10-day retreat with Guruji Sri Vast: Every summerWelcome to an 10-day profound inner journey – full of joy, full of love, and full oflight. Guruji Sri Vast shares a profound path to enter into the realm of theenlightened state – a world of pervasive, infinite self.Awakening of the SelfPilgrimsEvery weekend & monthly for 1 week12-day retreat with Guruji Sri Vast: Every winterThis retreat offers guidance on the quest for the awakened state, recapturing ournatural inner peace, joy and freedom. Immersed in the loving and graceful presenceof the Master, we open up to our deepest essence.Ecology & Spirituality3-12 months volunteering program: Starting at the beginning of every monthThose who wish to be part of the Divinya community for a longer period of time andtake part in a transformational learning experience, can apply for Divinya’s uniqueprogram Ecology & Spirituality – The path of the sustainable Yogi.Divinya receives pilgrims from every part of the world. Pilgrims take part in thedaily life of the Sangha and taste the profound, devotional living experience ofbeauty, love, peace, freedom and divine grace. It is a profound, healing and life-affirming experience that supports one's spiritual path with new insights andinspiration. Divya Deha - The Divine BodyAvailable throughout the yearDivinya’s Healing Center offers holistic healing programs, such as Divya Deha,Ayurveda and natural healing practices. We offer 3 to 21-day Divya Deha healing processes which are personalized to meetthe individual life needs.
VIDEOAll over the world spiritual seekers visit pilgrimage sites, seeking inspiration by thelives of the Saints, Masters and Sanghas, who once lived, realized and explored thehuman potential, which has contributed to the evolution of humanity. Theircollectively lived life experience has influenced the human consciousness and ourway of life. Divinya provides a beautiful opportunity to experience such a life beinglived in our time. Pilgrims in Divinya take part in the daily life of the Sangha andtaste the profound, devotional living experience of beauty, love, peace, freedom anddivine grace. It is a life-affirming and healing experience that supports one'sspiritual path with new insights and inspiration. Divinya is open for pilgrims on weekends and for a 1-week program once amonth. Pilgrims take part in Divinya’s introductory program, where we exploretogether how spirituality and a harmonious, natural living can be brought intopractical everyday life. You have the opportunity to experience daily morningmeditations, yoga, devotional singing and sacred music, silent gatherings for self-inquiry, seva (selfless service), Satsangs, and a contemplative, prayerful livingexperience. an invitationfor pilgrimsFor more