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Divinya Times Ed 2 - A New Beginning

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EditorialA new approach to live my lifeIt's never too late for a new beginningDiscovering the New HumanitySpirituality is abilityThe New Human in meBecoming a sustainable humanMorning Ceremony: How we greet eachnew day as a new beginning in DivinyaRecipe: Hot ginger lemon teaEcology & SpiritualityDivinya CalendarInvitation for Pilgrims This Edition:Page 4Page 1Page 7Page 10Page 11Page 13Page 14Page 16Page 17Page 708 287 482Page 21Page 22

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joyful greetings from the divinya community!A new year has started and lies glittering ahead of us like freshly fallen snow. What will it bring?What can we hope for? Particularly last year, due to the pandemic, there was a lot of turbulencein the collective energy field, a lot of fear, uncertainty, doubt and desperation. Now is the time totranscend these experiences, so that we can go further. In Divinya we have taken this auspiciousmoment at the beginning of the new year to reflect about the experiences we underwent in thepast and what we learned from them. We asked ourselves: What kind of change are we deeplylonging for ourselves and for humanity?Our beloved Master Guruji Sri Vast, who is the source of Divinya’s inspiration, has beenpointing out that there is a great cosmic shift taking place at the moment and that we aremoving from a rather defined, goal oriented and self-centered era towards a new space which ismore open, more inclusive and more collective-oriented. This cosmic shift can support us toevolve further and to expand ourselves. In Divinya we see this as a great opportunity for thewhole of humanity for a new beginning. It is time to dream for a whole new world for everyone.DIVINYA TIMES PAGE 1DEAR SOULS,

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DIVINYA TIMES PAGE 2This Divinya Times edition intends to explore this exhilarating topic of a new beginning forhumanity. Some of our community members share in their articles their personal stories of howcoming to Divinya has brought a new beginning to their lives. Other articles make the daringattempt to sketch out what we actually mean when we speak about the 'New Humanity'. Wehope that our passion and enthusiasm will shine through our words, and that they may inspireyou to take part in this beautiful dream and to enter together into a new Era for humanity – anecologically sustainable, enlightened Era – ‘The Divine Age’. We believe that when we move collectively in this direction, we will discover the NewHumanity. In Divinya we don’t want to just hope for this change to happen some day in thedistant future. But the change that we long to see in the world, should begin with us. When wewish to see more love in the world, then that means we want to express our love towards oneanother. When we wish to see more peace in the world, then that means we want to bring peaceinto our hearts and radiate it. When we want to see more beauty in the world, then we createbeauty around us. We don’t want to be busy thinking about how wrong the world is, we want tobe busy creating the world that we want to live in. Through our thoughts, words and actions andthe way we experience this life, we are creating a new beginning.This new year is inviting us to open our hearts and to see things beyond our own boundaries.That means including more people into our lives than only a small circle of family and friends.We want to share our love with everyone who happens to be in front of us. And we want to goeven further, beyond our human boundary, including in our love and care all life and all beingswith whom we share this experience of existence.

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"To bring a better world, we have to dream it. Within every one of us the new world needs to arise. The more you dream, the more your dream becomes your reality. Dream not only for you, but for the whole humanity. An impersonal dream, an infinite dream, 'Wow! If all human beings lived like this!' A new dream, a New Humanity, a new co-existence. When more and more people start to dream for that, this dream will be reflected in our actions, in our language and in our thinking. All together we will begin to create a new reality - the New Humanity."Guruji Sri VastIn our Morning Ceremony we start every day by listening to an inspiring quote from ourspiritual Master Guruji Sri Vast. If you would like to receive a quote each morning via emailor whatsapp, you can send us a message to

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I came to Divinya three months ago. I had dreamed for so long of living in a community andhaving company on my spiritual path, that it was very surprising for me to observe my difficultiesin fully entering at first the togetherness here. I was a bit skeptical, because this way of living andfollowing the teachings of a living Master was very strange to me. Curiosity, the inner knowing thatI am here for a reason and a longing I could not define made me stay.Expressing love through caring and sharing has been a big breakthrough for me. It is actually verycontagious. Every time I receive small gifts of care and encouragement, this energy moves throughme, vibrates in every cell of my body and wants to be expressed multiple times again. And when Iam being attentive, when I am able to help someone, every time I can serve, even every time I clean,my whole body is nourished in a way food could never do. That is probably how God expressesitself though me. Sometimes I really feel like an instrument of love. I can feel my boundariesexpanding and that I am letting more people into my heart. Divinya’s nurturing ground ofkindness, caring, sharing, trust and Sister- and Brotherhood feels so good in me.a new approach to live my lifeLenaPAGE 4 DIVINYA TIMES

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I also observe that I am more able to relate and connect to nature. Hugging a person is onecolor, but when I hug a tree, I experience the whole color-palette. My heart is aching and Ifeel so open, so empty, clear and still, and yet fully filled with life. I feel so free. Once Ideeply recognized that I am never "alone", my body suddenly didn't feel scared anymorewhen walking outside in the dark. It feels like I am surrounded by something deeply knownand very soothing. I used to "ground" myself with all kinds of esoteric means, but here Icame to know about way more powerful methods: The wind can blow away all my worries,and when I feel spaced-out I just need to lie down on the ground, touch the soil, the grass,the fallen leaves and gently listen to the heartbeat of the Earth.What I have discovered is that the stories I hold about myself and my life are functioning likea grey cloud covering my light. This light is always there, but not always visible to me. Moreand more I can deeply feel that I am a cosmic being, sacred and pure. A natural being livingon a beautiful, magical planet. I am not even just someone who is made to enjoy this Earthbut one that is fully part of the whole creation. In this light my problems, repeatedlyspinning stories, seem so small, so unimportant, so light and easy, almost invisible. I amlearning to not think about my body as something that has to be optimized, but as a divinevessel providing me with the opportunity to feel continuously flowing peace, love and joy.DIVINYA TIMES PAGE 5

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"Why do you go to Divinya?", was a question I replied with "Because I want to find myself". Now Iwould answer, "Because I want to meet myself". I interpreted the deep longing inside of me as aneed to find my "Somebodyness". In Divinya I learned that I do not need to hold any idea or imageabout who I am, I do not need to identify or describe myself. I don’t need to fit into any box.One night I was gazing into the sky, my face was lit by the moonlight and I was surrounded bybright shining stars. “I really missed to look at the night sky”, I thought, and started to cry because amissing puzzle piece finally found its place. In this moment I knew deep down that I have touchedthe core of what I am longing for. Something calls me to come home to what I already am. I’mlonging to meet the light, longing to bathe in peace, to meet my natural state of being. This statethat feels so effortless, so simple, so natural. I wish to become ever more aware and to more andmore let go of all the layers that limit me from being.I am deeply grateful to be here. It’s extreme luck - or maybe good karma - to have found anenvironment of so much love, light and spiritual thirst. I thought that spending time in Divinya wasjust a holiday in my busy life, but it became a new and true approach to live my life. It became anew beginning for me.PAGE 6 DIVINYA TIMES

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Question: Johanna, you and your husband Walter are at present in the community. How does it feelliving in Divinya?For us it is a present from heaven that we can be here! Living here, that’s a new beginning. What is so wonderful for me here is that I can participate! I am never bored. I help in the kitchen, Iprepare the salads and the vegetables for the cooking. In the afternoons I do sewing, I also help withthe ironing of the laundry. It is nice to be useful. I am pleased that I can help with something I know. Ihave even already helped in the construction! I found it funny, I liked it. I think you can do everythingat any age, if you do it carefully. And people laugh a lot! There is a freedom here.Question: When you were young you and Walter lived and worked for several years in the hospital ofAlbert Schweitzer in Lambaréné in Central Africa. How does your life in Divinya compare to the life youhad there? Are there any similarities in what you learned from Albert Schweitzer and what you arelearning now here at Divinya? It's never too latefor a new beginningInterview withJohanna

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Question: What new things are you learning here?There are so many new things to learn for me here, and that is what makes it so fantastic! It brings youalive! There is still room in my head. I still want to learn! I always had that. Of course now we are olderand that makes some things a bit more difficult. For instance, the songs – I need the song book, Icannot remember them anymore by heart. Also the Satsangs – I just can’t get everything anymore. Butwhatever I understand, even if it’s only one or two sentences, I take notes and that is important to me. Ihave to think about it a lot; I get it in my mind; and when I go for a walk, I try to transfer it and I askmyself: “How can I do it in practice?”The non-religious spirituality here in Divinya, that for me is so fine, so good. This is a similarity I seewith Albert Schweitzer. He never asked which church you belonged to. I never knew about the others.But for him Jesus was very important and he followed Jesus without the church, just the love, and thelove for the person next to you. He taught me that even if they have Leprosy you treat them exactly thesame as the others. You have to love them like the others. He also loved the animals and plants. ‘Thereverence for life’ – that was his big sentence. For all life; not to destroy life, but to bring it up to ahigher level. This is all very similar here.Another similarity is that the people in Lambaréné were also very devoted. Devotion came not becauseof money, but it was love. We didn’t receive any money there. Money is not important for us at all. It isthe pleasure to do something useful. And this is also why we feel so at home here, both of us.PAGE 8 DIVINYA TIMES

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For example, one thing I want to learn very much is what Guruji says about negative thoughts: “Don’tlet them come up. Transform them into a positive way of thinking”. Every time it happens to me, Ithink of it and I try. That’s the new way of learning I have here. I didn’t have that so much before.Before, when negative thoughts came, they were turning around in my head for days, or at night theycame suddenly and then I couldn’t sleep. Now, when negative thoughts, especially related to mychildhood, are coming, I think: “Do I have to react?” Guruji says “When people hurt you, don’t giveback.” In early years, I reacted easily, I had a lot of fire, I got angry, not outside, but inside. That is alsothe reason why I left Holland. There was a family reason which had to do with my father. And nowGuruji taught me, “Be thankful to your father.” And suddenly, for the first time in my life I can say, “IfI hadn’t had this father, I wouldn’t have left Holland, I wouldn’t have gone to South Africa, I wouldn’thave worked as a midwife in Africa, I wouldn’t have met Walter. Thank you, father!” For the first timesomebody told me I had to be thankful. If I wouldn’t have left Holland, then I would still be in thatsmall family clan, where you have to work and go to church and things like that. And I liberatedmyself, and I thought, “I am going to find the God for me and not the God that I was told about.” Thatwas my way.Everything is perfect. And nowhere I would have the possibility to learn more. To learn also moreabout myself. I never had time to think about “who is me?” Now more and more I think about it.There are so many beautiful things still to learn! Yesterday for example Guruji shared about a personwho left her body, and was in her last breath singing a song. I thought that’s so beautiful! I have livedmy life, so I am not afraid to go, but there is still so much I can learn.

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Discovering the New Humanity for me means expanding our view of what we perceive as ourselves. Normally, we perceive ourselves as separate beings living this life next to each other. We limitourselves in our bodies. Yes, we have separate bodies, but what if that doesn't mean that I am onlyexisting in my body and you in yours? In Divinya I am given a space to see through the game that ourseemingly separate 'me' is playing, to uncover its mechanisms and to rediscover the unlimited me. InDivinya I am given the beautiful opportunity to break with habits and thought patterns of mine whichhold up the illusion of separation. I have the chance to discover a broader sense of me. By meeting you,I am meeting myself, manifested in another form. We have the possibility of meeting ourselves in all bodies, in all people, in all plants, in all creation. TheNew Human has realized its boundless state. Then all separation dissolves. All fights dissolve. I realizethe me in you, the me in this moment, the me in everything that I sense. The question whether Ishould empty the dishwasher or whether it is your turn, dissolves. I simply do what needs to be done, Iam available for life.Naturally we take care of whatever we are sensing. Naturally we take care of each other. Naturally wetake care of the world. We are one with life. A life without opposite. We become nothing but mereexistence experiencing itself through different bodies. A totally new reality arises, a new way of living. The New Humanity is born.Discovering the New HumanityHannahPAGE 10 DIVINYA TIMES

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If someone had asked me about community living two years ago, I would have said "I'll never live in acommunity. And I will probably never stop eating meat." I never had a wish to live in a community, Iwas never even considering it. I was enjoying my “regular” way of life in Croatia. For many years of my adult life I had been interested in spirituality, in exploring myself beyond thisphysical realm. But spirituality had been more like an additional spice in my daily life, like animportant hobby. Reading about it, taking courses about it and applying new learned knowledge in“regular life" to get what I wanted from it. Then, two years ago, my girlfriend and I went on a “spiritualtrip” to India.On the third day of our trip we stumbled upon an open Satsang with Guruji Sri Vast. We were inspiredby the teachings and decided to stay longer in the ashram. With each passing day, we were realizingmore and more that life can be lived differently. We were realizing that spirituality is not only a nicehandy tool to "manage life" better, but that spirituality can be lived everyday as a first priority. We feltthat there was so much more depth within us which had been waiting for us to be ready to explore.It became clear to me that if I really wanted to explore who 'I am' – as I had been claiming for such a long time - that this was the moment to question what “regular life” actually means.This was a step into the unknown which I had to take, which was inevitable.This was a rare and auspicious opportunity to give life the ultimate dosage of meaning.This was the time for a new beginning.Our spiritual tourism was over, our tourist approach to life was over. One month laterwe found ourselves living in the Divinya community in Sweden.Since then spirituality has become a part of every moment, of every interaction. I understand now that spirituality is the ability to respond, to practically engage in anything that .Spirituality is AbilityTomiDIVINYA TIMES PAGE 11

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pops up in front of me, instead ofjustifying my inability with a comfortingstory. Spirituality is ability!I can see now that there is a divinepotential in everyone. I am realizing thatevery moment and every situation has thepotential to bring peace, bliss, beauty andclarity to me, to invoke divine qualitiesand make them physical. I am realizingthat the obstacle to really live thatpotential is the idea of “me”. That myidentities can influence my senses, playwith my perception and interfere with myability to see reality clearly, much morethan I could have ever imagined.I am realizing that true trans-formationlies in dissolving, not in becoming. In these two years I have learned that theability to relate to people can bebroadened beyond the regular concepts offamily, friends, nation or religion. I have realized that any idea of separation, from a human being in front of me or from a task in front ofme, is self-inflicted. I don’t need to create opposition towards anything, I can include everything andeveryone in my life.I have also become aware how bumpy the road to self-realization can be, how many obstacles andhidden traps there are. How our ego can be resistant to change. How it can be tricky and persuasive indefending itself from dissolving and preventing me from transforming my old patterns.In these two years, many meanings have changed their shape. The meaning of the word “regular” haschanged its shape hundreds of times: regular life, regular perspective, regular way of relating, regularapproach to everyday situations…Today, living with a Master and the community seems very regular.Today, I know how privileged I am to have this opportunity.Today, this is the only road that makes sense to me.PAGE 12

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For me, Divinya is a living example of how life can be lived together and how we can relate with eachother in a very pure way. Without the past cultural conditionings of gender, nationality and religion,without a specific reason but with the same vision and dedication. A commitment to live in freedomand attain oneness. Living in Divinya I have realized that in order to live in harmony, there is an inner work that needs totake place, personal imprints and desires can transform and shift towards the common good. Beinghere, I have started thinking “us” instead of “I”. Each day in Divinya gifts us with the opportunity toexpress our love: From preparing the tea for the Morning Ceremony, to arranging the breakfast table;from building our community extension to working in the garden. I believe that this joy of creatingtogether and participating in the life can be the foundation for a new society.The New Human in me wants to rediscover its connection with nature. I want to be fulfilled by thefreshness of the wind on my face, the silence of the snow, the glow of the moon. This joy makes mewant to nurture and sustain what is created. I can feel this newness inside, a sensation of deep love andrespect for all beings - an urge to take care of this life, to take care of those around me, to take care ofthe nature. Like a mother wanting to embrace her child, I am embracing everything and everyone inthis warmth.How will the New Human look like? The New Human will plant more flowers and grow more treesinstead of cutting them. The New Human will be sustainable and independent in all layers. The NewHuman will have respect for all forms of life. The New Human will be a complete cosmic being.Let us live in that and create this world together!the new human in meSerenaDIVINYA TIMES PAGE 13

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I have always had big dreams for this world. I was dreaming that human beings would treat each otherbetter, that everybody would finally come to live in harmony and peace. Living at Divinya I came torealize that as an individual, I am not separated from the whole and that my individual experiencecontributes to what the whole humanity’s experience looks like. It made me reflect on what I amcontributing. Does my presence on this Earth influence the bigger picture in a positive way?I am realizing how much power there lies in the way we live. The concept of ‘sustainability’ has gaineda whole new dimension for me. Of course one part is to change one’s life-style. In Divinya we movetowards sustaining ourselves with food from our garden, bringing as much independence as possiblefrom food produced in different parts of the world. But ‘sustainability’ goes so much further here: Inthe end it is about bringing forth the ‘sustainable human’ – a human who has balanced emotions,therefore has balanced needs and thus liberates the world from their need to over-consume. Forexample, the more we let go of restlessness and enjoy what is in front of us right now, the more ourneed to travel dissolves.Living at Divinya inspires me to fill myself with an overflowing love, so that naturally I don’t want totake care of only myself anymore, but I want to include other people and living beings, too. This year Iwant to steer all my thoughts, words and actions towards becoming a sustainable human. I wish thatthe need to create anything just for myself disappears, and that I am just here to serve humanity andplanet Earth; that the separation I used to feel from the whole dissolves, and that I see the oneness ofmyself with all the beings and our planet; that my dream to become a new human, a sustainablehuman, comes true.Becoming a sustainable humanVeerlePAGE 14 DIVINYA TIMES

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“Sustainability goes so much further in Divinya: In the end it is all about bringing forth the ‘sustainable human’ – a human who has balanced emotions, therefore has balanced needs and thus liberates the world from their need to over-consume.

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At first it was not easy for me to get up so early in the morningand it took me quite some time to realize how beneficial it reallyis. Today I feel so blessed to initiate each day with thisnourishment for my heart and soul.On the way to the meditation hall I breathe in the fresh morningair, I enjoy the moon, the stars and the mystical darkness aroundme. The sacred and tranquil ceremony helps me a lot to be moreconscious of myself. The warm ginger lemon tea naturallyawakes all my senses. It reminds me to use all the senses I amgifted with to live in the present. I also love to sing our songsjoyfully with everyone. Sometimes I sing full of tears because Iam so touched by it. Happiness may come, gratitude may come,sorrow may come, commitment may come, peace may come, allkinds of emotions can happen in that magical 30 minutes. ShantiPAGE 9morning ceremonyEvery small detail in Divinya has its function and purpose to support the process of self-transformation and realizing the cosmic human in us. This is also true for our daily time schedule andthe way we greet every new day.In Divinya we start the day early in the morning at 4:30am. This gives us the chance to align ourselveswith the cosmic rhythm of nature and to shift our body clock and our physical and emotional calendar,so that we can experience a totally new perspective on life. We come together for the MorningCeremony, which is a very beautiful, sacred time when we sing together, listen to an inspiring quote ofGuruji Sri Vast to bring along with us for the day, and enjoy a cup of hot ginger lemon tea with all oursenses. By consciously feeling the warmth of the tea, smelling its fragrance and tasting its flavor, webecome aware how gifted we are to be able to experience this life with all our senses.I just allow myself to be. Let the songs and the teachings to penetrate my heart and resonate with mysoul. It is a very precious time for me to reflect and contemplate, to be grateful for everything aroundme without taking it for granted, to remind me again and again of the vision of my life and the reasonwhy I am here. In a way, attending the Morning Ceremony is a daily pilgrimage for my soul.PAGE 16 DIVINYA TIMEShow we greet each new day as a new beginning in Divinya

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hot ginger lemon teaSqueeze the juice out of 1/4 of a lemon. Once the water is boiling add the ginger and cover the pot. Turn off thestove and let the ginger stand in the water for at least 5 minutes. Before drinking, pour in the lemon juice. Youmay place 1/2 teaspoon of honey (or, as a vegan option, maple syrup) into the cup and pour the ginger lemon teaover it before serving. Enjoy while it is warm.The Ginger Lemon Tea is also a wonderful way to warmup on cold winter days.This year we have been enjoying a magical winter timein Divinya so much! We went together for walksthrough our snowy, mystical forest, had wild snowballfights, danced on the ice of our lake and laughed a lotwhen we slid down the hill in groups of three to six. For 1 liter:100 gram ginger1/4 lemonBring one liter of water to boil.Meanwhile peel the ginger and cut it in5-6 cm thin slices lengthwise. DIVINYA TIMES PAGE 17

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Welcome to Divinya’s unique program Ecology & Spirituality. It offers profound learning possibilitiesfor transformative life changes. This residential program gives the unique opportunity to have a livingexperience within the spiritual community of Divinya. It is designed to bring a deeper understandingof life, key answers to the quest of a sustainable future for all and an understanding of how topractically take part in the shift in consciousness towards a new, ecological and divine era. The aim of the program is finding one’s passion and function in this life and learning the practicalskills to create the life which one wants to live. It is an invitation to explore a harmonious coexistenceon this planet and to find a deeper spiritual connection with oneself, with others and with nature –widening one's perspective towards the realization of one's highest human potential.- Center for Evolutionary Consciousnesscourse programLEARNING FOR LIFEWelcome to join our 1-year Ecology & Spirituality Course.Ecology & SpiritualityTHE PATH OF THE SUSTAINABLE YOGI

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The program covers a diverse range of topics suchas eco-spirituality, horticulture, ecological building,yoga, sacred music, natural health, ayurveda,cosmology, eco-psychology. There is the possibilityto focus on a main field of interest: Sustainable HorticultureParticipants find a wonderful opportunity to learneverything about the ecological cultivation ofvegetables, fruits and flowers, throughout the wholeprocess from seed to market. The learning includespermaculture theory and a lot of hands-onexperience in our garden, orchard and farm.All course participants share the daily lifeexperience with the Divinya community and engagein its daily rhythm of Morning Ceremony, yoga,seva (karma yoga), study circles and much more.One important community focus is the self-motivated quest for personal transformation.Teachings and inquiries include topics related to thetriangular relationship of the human, nature andcosmos, as well as understanding social and culturalpatterns and conditionings.For more BuildingParticipants are involved in all the stages of constructing and gain extensive hands-on experience on ecologicalbuilding. The learning includes such as sacredgeometry, human psychology in regard to architecture,sustainable materials, sustainable technologies in energyand resource management.

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Let us shape the newparadigm with our highestdreams. Let us create a worldwhere love, care and shareare the core of every thought,of every word, of every act. Letlife be experienced as aborderless flow of joy incompassion with all livingbeings, including yourself. PAGE 20 DIVINYA TIMES

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HOW TO PARTICIPATEDIVINYA CALENDARLiving EnlightenmentPeace GatheringsRegularly on SundaysMelt your heart in devotional singing, and celebrate the Glory of Life. EverySunday we come together in Divinya for a Singing Gathering and Satsang withGuruji Sri Vast.10-day retreat with Guruji Sri Vast: Every summerWelcome to an 10-day profound inner journey – full of joy, full of love, and full oflight. Guruji Sri Vast shares a profound path to enter into the realm of theenlightened state – a world of pervasive, infinite self.Awakening of the SelfPilgrimsEvery weekend & monthly for 1 week12-day retreat with Guruji Sri Vast: Every winterThis retreat offers guidance on the quest for the awakened state, recapturing ournatural inner peace, joy and freedom. Immersed in the loving and graceful presenceof the Master, we open up to our deepest essence.Ecology & Spirituality3-12 months volunteering program: Starting at the beginning of every monthThose who wish to be part of the Divinya community for a longer period of time andtake part in a transformational learning experience, can apply for Divinya’s uniqueprogram Ecology & Spirituality – The path of the sustainable Yogi.Divinya receives pilgrims from every part of the world. Pilgrims take part in thedaily life of the Sangha and taste the profound, devotional living experience ofbeauty, love, peace, freedom and divine grace. It is a profound, healing and life-affirming experience that supports one's spiritual path with new insights andinspiration. Divya Deha - The Divine BodyAvailable throughout the yearDivinya’s Healing Center offers holistic healing programs, such as Divya Deha,Ayurveda and natural healing practices. We offer 3 to 21-day Divya Deha healing processes which are personalized to meetthe individual life needs.

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All over the world spiritual seekers visit pilgrimage sites, seeking inspiration by thelives of the Saints, Masters and Sanghas, who once lived, realized and explored thehuman potential, which has contributed to the evolution of humanity. Theircollectively lived life experience has influenced the human consciousness and ourway of life. Divinya provides a beautiful opportunity to experience such a life beinglived in our time. Pilgrims in Divinya take part in the daily life of the Sangha andtaste the profound, devotional living experience of beauty, love, peace, freedom anddivine grace. It is a life-affirming and healing experience that supports one'sspiritual path with new insights and inspiration. Divinya is open for pilgrims on weekends and for a 1-week program once amonth. Pilgrims take part in Divinya’s introductory program, where we exploretogether how spirituality and a harmonious, natural living can be brought intopractical everyday life. You have the opportunity to experience daily morningmeditations, yoga, devotional singing and sacred music, silent gatherings for self-inquiry, seva (selfless service), Satsangs, and a contemplative, prayerful livingexperience. an invitationfor pilgrimsFor more