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Divinya Times, Ed. 1 - A Community Living Experience

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themeDivinya - A Community Living Experience IVINYAIVINYATIMESTIMES

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EditorialLiving YogaEcology & Spirituality In Awe of the Abundance of ourPermaculture GardenEcological Building Projects at DivinyaEcology & Spirituality:Participants experiencesVolunteering at Divinya’sYoga Mela FestivalPaving the pathon the Pilgrimage of LifePeace GatheringsRecipe: Autumn Pumpkin SoupDivinya CalendarAn Invitation for Pilgrims This Edition:Page 2Page 1Page 22Page 8Page 10Page 11Page 13Page 17Page 708 287 482Page 20Page 21Page 7

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DEAR SOULS,We send you warm autumn greetings from the Divinya Community! The world has been going through quite turbulent times recently. We hope this edition findsyou well. As the trees around us change their colors and we are immersed in the most beautifulgolden autumn lights, we can observe how sensations are changing inside the body and thesensation of changing our lives arises. We believe strongly that the current situation that theworld is facing is an unprecedented opportunity for us, at the individual as well as at thecollective level. A chance to pause for a moment to take a breath and reassess if we want tocontinue on the same track or if it is time to take a radical turn. Our deepest wish is that Divinyacan be one of those places in the world that upholds hope and inspiration to people for a newbeginning in human history, a new humanity, the dawn of the divine age. The very core ofDivinya is living the change and creating the world we want to live in. A life filled with peace,beauty, freedom and bliss, in harmony with nature.Exploring this freedom, peace and love within us as well as expressing that experience gives anew dynamic and a new reference of living. The way we live here at Divinya together, webecome part of a bigger vision in exploring the cosmic human by living in harmony with nature.The way we love, care and share – that is our contribution to the collective humanconsciousness.Now, let us take you along into a glimpse of the community life at Divinya!DIVINYA TIMESP A G E 1

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How can I achieve complete freedom and peace? This existential question and this longing that hasdriven spiritual seekers throughout the ages, brought me to discover the path of Yoga.My journey with yoga began with the idea of finding the ‘best’ yoga practice. Nowadays there are somany different approaches of yoga out there, and I tried many different ‘styles’, philosophies, andteachers with the hope of coming to a greater understanding and mastery of this path. I thought that ifI practiced one hour of particular body postures, one hour of particular breathing exercises, one hourof particular meditation techniques and diligently studied ancient scriptures every day, I could comecloser to spiritual liberation. But as I persevered, I could not help but wonder: How can I makespirituality my life – do I need to sit every day for 24 hours in meditation, and how would that evenfunction? Do I need to retreat from the world and live in a cave, to achieve that undisturbedtranquility? And what about all of life? Do I need to let go of everything that exists in order to sit andmeditate? And why then has the world been created – to just go beyond it? I was puzzled…Living YogaPAGE 2D I V I N Y A T I M E S

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Living with a spiritual community“What I have encountered inDivinya is a whole differentway of living this life as anatural being on this planet.Everyone is invited to takepart in creating this dream.Divinya is not home tospecific people, but to a thirst,the thirst to explore life infreedom, peace, and union.”Matteo, ItalyCommunity memberDIVINYA TIMESP A G E 3In this quest I came across Divinya. I had heard thatit was a space where people are exploring a yogic life.I was thrilled! I immediately applied for thevolunteer program ‘Ecology & Spirituality’, with theplan to stay for at least 3 months in the community.However, when I finally came, this place was not atall what I thought it would be: I had imagined agroup of people sitting in meditation and studyingscriptures all day long, but everyone was very activein so many areas and projects. This usual picture of amonk, who calmly walks around, sits and meditatesin nature, does yoga postures, studies and performsrituals, was not met. I was disappointed and startedto wonder, “What am I doing here?”. But as timewent by, I started to notice that there was a greatsense of peace, joy and serenity all around, which Icould more and more feel inside of me, too – a shiftstarted to take place.It took me some time to really understand whatDivinya at its core is all about. In this process, mydefinition of yoga changed fundamentally. There is aunique yoga practiced in Divinya, called Inner Yoga,which is a profound technique that aims to revealone’s natural state of being. However, what inspiresme the most is that the yoga continues beyond the endof the yoga class: Yoga here is understood first andforemost as a spiritual path of rediscovering one’s trueSelf. The community’s way of living is inspired by theTeachings of the enlightened Master Guruji Sri Vast.The community explores how these spiritualTeachings can be brought into a practical livingexperience – a living spirituality – a living yoga.It is a space for reflection, inner growth and self-transformation, a space to explore the fundamentalquestions of life: “Who am I – without my culturaland social identities, without my stories from thepast?”, “What is my highest potential?”, “What is themeaning of life?” and “How can I bring unionbetween me and this life?” These questions areinquired on an individual as well as on a collectivelevel, in order to find answers for a new paradigm ofperceiving and living this life.

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I had read and heard about ‘union with life’ as the ultimate goal of yoga, but only now it became actual,it became part of what I experienced, not only something that I understood mentally. Even though thecommunity is so dynamic and active, creating a more and more self-sustainable life, the main goal ofevery action is not the result itself, but the inner experience. The intention behind every action is toserve beyond one’s individual self-interest and to bring forth love and sacredness in every thought,word and action.The question is: Whatever I do, can I experience peace within me unconditionally, no matter what thesituation? Can I experience love, no matter who stands in front of me? Is the boundary between what Iexperience as ‘me’ and ‘not me’, expanding? Every moment is approached as an opportunity to growbeyond this so-called ‘myself’. It is a new experience in which my spirituality is not separate from mylife anymore. In this way, every daily action and interaction becomes a yoga practice.It is not about ‘doing’ things for ‘others’ – it is about not perceiving anyone as ‘other’, as outside of me,as someone or something ‘else’. In Divinya, union is approached very practically. Can I experienceunion with the people around me? Or do I have to withdraw from everyone and everything thatdisturbs me, and meditate to experience a sense of peace and union? In the togetherness of thecommunity I experience a level of union which I haven’t experienced before. Not much organisationor talk is needed, since everybody is sharing the same vision and is practicing to be aware of whatneeds to be done, at any given moment. It is a space free of judgement, comparison, fight, orperforming. It is simply people living together, naturally, peacefully.Sometimes it almost feels like a dream, a utopia, but then it strikes me that it is my new reality now.One of the most important realisations for me is that this peace, this human communion is actuallyachievable. One thing is to be in peace within myself, and another is that this peace radiates out fromme to my surroundings and is reflected by everyone around me. This means I don’t need to protect mypeace, since it is collectively explored by everyone. This is a very unique experience for me that bringshope for a new world.Union with Life – the ultimate goal of YogaPAGE 4D I V I N Y A T I M E S

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P A G E 5DIVINYA TIMESWhat I have encountered in Divinya is a whole different way of living this life as a natural being on thisplanet. It is an exploration of the complete human being. The one who is living in natural harmonywith their surroundings because they do not perceive anything as separate from themselves. ‘Naturalliving’ in Divinya does not mean rolling naked in the mud, or dancing around the fire, but beingnatural. Being natural here is understood as one’s ability to respond naturally to any given situation. Itmeans exploring our human potential of expressing love beyond our boundaries of ‘me’ and ‘mine’.This collective approach leads to so much unconditional caring and sharing with everyone around,and this creates a very warm atmosphere in the day-to-day-life. Everyone is invited to take part increating this dream. Divinya is not home to specific people, but to a thirst, the thirst to explore life infreedom, peace and union.There is a core understanding shared by everyone, which is at the root of the peaceful togetherness:The clarity to meet confrontations within oneself. To meet that inner person who gets confronted,instead of projecting and acting out towards someone else. – What is more important – that my ideasand opinions are being valued and followed or that we are at peace? There is a great focus on innerreflection in Divinya: “Do my thoughts, words and actions lead me to the experience that I am wishingfor? My ideas, my opinions – whatever my mind comments on – who is this person who iscommenting? Is this thought coming from freedom, from love, from an experience of union? Or, if Ilook deeply, is it actually rooted in fear, in separation, in pain? Or is it just a habit, a repetition of howmy parents, my grandparents and humanity have been thinking for a long, long time?”Self-reflection is at the heart of finding Peace

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I am witnessing many changes in me, both in my body and in my inner state. What I have noticedlately is that my breathing is much more aligned with my movements now – something that Ipreviously knew only from my asana practice. By being more and more present, this synchronisationbetween movement and breath has started to occur naturally in my everyday life, giving me the samejoy that I used to experience in a yoga class, during all acts and movements throughout the whole day.Yoga has transformed from being a one-hour practice to an ongoing experience in all aspects of life,where my body, my breathing and my mind are more and more aligned in every moment. I started myyoga journey on the mat, and it has become a living experience. I can see how every practice from allthese years has helped me to reach this point, and I am deeply grateful for all of it. I believe that thistransformation is possible for everyone, which inspires great hope in me.My life has changed immensely. I find so much more meaning in my daily actions now. There is somuch aliveness and passion in me. Life in Divinya is supporting me to look beyond ‘myself’, invitingme into a totally new experience of this life. The idea I had built about myself over the years isgradually dissolving. I am finding something new in me – a new me, full of peace, joy, love andfreedom. I am beginning to see myself in everyone and everything, which creates a profound silenceand a deep sense of completeness.Life is sparkling freshly.Inner Transformation – A New Me is BornPAGE 6D I V I N Y A T I M E S

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DIVINYA TIMESP A G E 7Ecology & SpiritualityDivinya offers the opportunity to take part in the life of thecommunity to sincere aspirants, who want to make a life transformingexperience in our 3-12 months program Ecology & Spirituality. Thisprogram is designed to bring a deeper understanding of life, keyanswers to the quest of a sustainable future for all and anunderstanding of how to practically take part in the shift inconsciousness towards a new, ecological and divine era. The aim of theprogram is personal transformation, finding one’s passion andfunction in this life and learning skills and wisdom to create the lifewhich one wants to live. It is an invitation to explore possibilities of aharmonious coexistence and deep spiritual connection with oneself,with others and with nature, widening our individual humanperspective and approaching life from a new, positive standpoint.You are welcome to rediscover your true potential in life. Use the special time that humanity is facing at the moment, to listen withinand to focus on what world you would like to live in. Let’s create it injoyful togetherness! Welcome to the Ecology & Spirituality program –to take part in the life transforming living and learning process atDivinya.If you are interested in taking the program please visit ourwebsite to find more information about PATH OF THE SUSTAINABLE YOGIParticipants can join every month

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In Awe of the Abundance of ourPermaculture GardenThe vegetables and flowers in their joyful play of shapes and colors, giveus the direct experience how vibrant, overflowing life and peaceful and serene calmness are no contradictions to each other, but can come together just perfectly. They are giving us inspiration for how we ourselves wish to bloom and to flourish in vibrant aliveness and graceful peacefulness. In the garden many Divinya values and components are brought to life. The garden is not only about producing as efficiently as possible as much food as possible, which would mean to re-create the old paradigm of seeing nature only as something to exploit for human needs. We are very aware of the precious opportunity it gives us to experiencedirectly our connection with nature and the cosmic movements. Whenwe work with the soil and the plants, we make sure to act with peace and love. In our kitchen we use as much food as possible from our garden and ourecological vegetable farm. Before each meal we become still for a moment tothank for the food, and in our mind’s eye we see the living plants swaying inthe wind in the garden, we see the sun and the rain and all the people, allthe hands who have been involved to bring this food on our plate. What a blessing, what a gratitude!PAGE 8D I V I N Y A T I M E S

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"We are not justbuilding a building, but building a community. Building a communitymeans, buildingConsciousness!"Ecological Building Projectsat Divinya - What a learning!In our eco-construction projects we learn so many different skills fromcarpentry, tiling, electrical and plumbing work, how to work withdifferent materials and how to create together. Moreover, since theconstruction sector typically comes with strong gender basedstereotypes and behavior patterns, working in construction together isa beautiful opportunity to reflect on this topic and to meet andtranscend those situations.In study circles we reflect together how gender roles function in oursocieties and how we inherit them, telling us what a 'man' or a 'woman'can or cannot do or how they should behave. Instead of repeating‘typical’ ‘macho’ attitudes, can we nurture in our working atmospherewhat is usually considered 'feminine' qualities? Can we care for eachother, be patient with each other, giving everyone the space to learnand to try out new things? Divinya is all about giving a new reference of living, providing a spacefor personal transformation and liberation. When the possibilities toact expand, when new ways to express oneself are available, in thatvery moment liberation happens. PAGE 10D I V I N Y A T I M E S

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Every detail is so thoroughly thought through. In the building process I havelearned so much about myself and how people can create together. To learnabout ecological building at Divinya means not only to learn how to build asustainable building, but it is all about building a sustainable humanrelationship; to learn how to create an experience that is ecological in itsown. Our intentions and the way we work together must be harmonious,otherwise it cannot be called 'ecological'. I came to understand: To create amore sustainable world outside, we first have to learn to become moresustainable within ourselves. Learning architecture at Divinya meanslearning inner architecture and how we are constructed ourselves.”“I have been engaged in the construction project from thebeginning to the end and I can say that I have learned somuch more about practical architecture than I did in twoyears of architecture studies at University. It was anamazing experience to build with all the ecological material:From the wooden structure, the perlite in the foundation, tothe hemp insulation in the walls and the Ice-Stick heatinginsulation in the walls and the Ice-Stick heating system,everything is carefully chosen to create a building asenvironment friendly as possible. And there is so muchmore to learn about design and architecture! Thecomposition of materials, shapes, forms and colors create asensation of spaciousness, harmony and transparency. DIVINYA TIMESP A G E 1 1Karl, SwedenParticipant of the Ecology & Spirituality programEcology & Spiritualityparticipants share abouttheir experiences

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PAGE 12D I V I N Y A T I M E S“Life in Divinya is helping me to becomeaware of conditionedbehavior and toconsciously choose how I want to respond instead,beyond any role that hasbeen taught to me in society.”"It has been around four weeks since I arrived in Divinya and so muchis happening to me right now. Living here has been confronting meevery day in such a beautiful way. I feel so much space to explore theconnection I share with myself, with other people and with nature.The way of life in Divinya is helping me to become aware ofconditioned behaviour and to consciously choose how I want torespond instead, beyond any role that has been taught to me in society.The typical gender behaviour is something major that I really want tofree myself from. I had felt a contradiction within myself for a whilealready before I came here, but only at Divinya it became so clear tome: This contradiction of wanting to be a leader who is daring to shareher vision with others without being afraid of others’ opinions, but atthe same time acting like a small girl who is afraid to speak up forherself all the time. Now I can much more see through the identities Ihave been telling myself is ‘me’.It feels so liberating to realize that the small girl I have been acting like,is not me. With new insights comes new behavior. So right now I amengaged in the construction a lot, learning how to use the sawingmachine, placing floor insulation or working on a scaffold. I hear thissmall girl thinking she can’t do it, but she is not me. I can build, I amstrong, I am a leader - leading my own destination."Veerle, NetherlandsParticipant of the Ecology & Spirituality Program

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It might sound like a strange thing to say, but volunteering at Divinya’s Yoga Mela festival changed mylife. I would be a totally different person today if I wouldn’t have come to Divinya that summer.I still remember very clearly the first day that I arrived at Divinya. I came for a 1-month volunteeringprogram, to help before and during the festival. When I was driving up the hill, through greenmeadows, surrounded by forests, staring at all this vastness around me, I felt such a strong energygrounding me, and such a peace in my heart. Somehow, strangely, it felt as if I was finally going backhome.I remember entering the community building and it felt like entering another world, almost like adream. There was so much beauty, it was as if I was in heaven. You could see how much love had beenput into every detail. Everyone was gracefully floating like angels around me. There was such aprofound silence. And I knew: “One chapter of my life is closing. Nothing will ever be the same again.”Volunteering atDivinya’s Yoga Mela Festival changed my LifeFlorie, FranceCommunity member, sharing about hervolunteering experience at the 5th Yoga Mela Festival in 2019FlorieDIVINYA TIMESP A G E 1 3

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The next day I got to know the rest of the volunteer group, who came from all over the world, many ofwhom return year after year. Coming to Yoga Mela means not only experiencing a festival but also anew way of living. What is truly unique is that it all takes place where a spiritual community actuallylives. The community welcomed us into their home as part of the family with no difference madebetween community members and volunteers. We shared their life, following their daily rhythm andparticipating in all the engagements, which brought us closer to ourselves and our bodies. Everyexpression and every action contained a purity, an authenticity and such a joy.At Yoga Mela, togetherness is the core of everything. I came on my own and thought it might bedifficult to get to know new people, but I was included right from the start. Everybody was so smileyand it felt as if we all already knew each other. One thing which struck me the first morning was howno one asked the usual questions which normally begin a conversation, “What are you doing?”,“Where were you before coming here?”, “What are you planning to do afterwards?” At first, it feltquite unfamiliar to me, since this was the only way I knew how to interact with new people. I soonrealized that being approached without any reference to the past or the future helps you to be fullypresent in each moment and creates space to allow new experiences to enter. It was a beautifulopportunity to meet each other as the divine souls that we are, beyond our stories, identifications andsocial roles. Everyone was given the chance to meet in the same space, and to share the beauty and joyof just being together in this very moment – sometimes not even talking at all and entering into abeautiful silence together.Nobody behaved like a ‘guest’ by just consuming an experience. Everybody was active in co-creatingthis amazing event, helping with serving the food, cleaning and dish washing. You could feel such anincredible energy through hundreds of people sharing one vision and helping one another.Throughout the Festival, I was more and more amazed by the collective peace and innocent joy that Iexperienced.PAGE 14D I V I N Y A T I M E S

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Before Yoga Mela, I was not used to working and doing things together with such a largenumber of people. I would have never imagined that there is a place on Earth where peoplework and create together so joyfully and peacefully. I had expected a big organization with alot of structure and it was so beautiful to see how things naturally flowed with very littleinstruction. I learned what is possible when everyone is fully present and responds to what isneeded in the moment. Of course things didn’t always go according to plan, but there wassuch a joy in all of us that it just became another adventure in how to find the best solutionpossible with everybody’s help.At Yoga Mela people come together with a strong intention to create this field of peace &unity and through that to contribute to a shift in human consciousness. It gives you thechance to do something for a higher purpose, something beyond yourself. It makes youwonder: How would life on Earth be if the whole humanity became one big family?The Satsangs with the enlightened Master Guruji Sri Vast, that take place every day during thefestival, play an immense role in creating this field of transformation towards individual andcollective peace. Guruji Sri Vast is the spiritual inspiration of Divinya. When I was searchingfor a yoga festival to join, there were many things which I was looking for: asanas, chanting,meditation, pranayama, but Satsang was not familiar to me, nor was being in the presence of aMaster. To my surprise the daily Satsangs turned the festival into a spiritual experience for me,full of profound insights and inspiration. I had been interested in spirituality for several years,but only through Yoga Mela did I really get to know what spirituality truly means, and how Icould personally transform. We were given daily Sadhanas (spiritual practices) to help us tocome closer to ourselves and find peace and clarity inside. One day Guruji gave us theSadhana of giving to others what you wish for yourself. “If you wish to be in peace, give peaceto others. If you wish to feel love, give love to others.” Trying to practice this in every smallaction, I realized that I was making new choices. I started to approach people differently, notas strangers but as a reflection of myself and I started to see myself in all of them.DIVINYA TIMESP A G E 1 5

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Yoga Mela turned out to be the beginning of a long transformational journey. After so many years ofrestless seeking, of projecting my inner conflicts outside of me, I had finally met people who, instead ofblaming or fighting against this world, are authentically creating the world they want to live in, withsuch a love and such a joy. Now I know that when I change, when my inner experience transforms, myperception of the world also slowly starts to change. Where before there was desperation now there ishope, and the belief that we all truly have it in our own hands to create the world which we wish to see. The festival volunteering experience ignited a beautiful spiritual journey of rediscovering myself andthe meaning of my life. After my festival volunteering experience, I decided to apply as a long-termvolunteer. Today I am part of the community and feel very blessed to call Divinya my home. Yoga Mela is an inspiration for anyone wishing to get a new reference and experience of how life canbe lived differently. Everyone can take this energy back home with them. Everyone can carry thiswarmth, this innocent joy and this love in their hearts and share it with more people, to expand it evenfurther. For me, this is such a beautiful way to change the world. PAGE 16D I V I N Y A T I M E S

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From a very young age I liked to pray to different saints. I was very much touched by the unconditional love of Jesus, the love for all creatures of Saint Francis, Mother Theresa’s selfless serving and her motherly care.Raised in a catholic family, we celebrated different Saints’ feast days by going to mass and having a special meal. But I felt a big discrepancy between what we listened to in church and the reality I experienced around me, where I saw so many conflicts over the smallest incidents. When I got older I visited different pilgrimage sites, and always foundthat the saintly spirit was still so much alive there. An inner feeling came over me in those places – there must be something greater than myself. Something which this world cannot provide me, something which is beyond the material realm. Often I was wondering: How did they become saints at all? Is it possible that there are living saints right now in this world? Inside me there was a deep thirst for the truth: What is the purpose of life? Who is this so called ‘God’? At the same time, I lived what we usually call a ‘normal life’. I was trying to adapt as much as possible to the society I had been growing up in. I pursued an education, a career and found a partner. However, something seemed always missing. Even when I had achieved what I thought I was supposed to have – the ‘complete picture’ with all the defined components, the thirst for something more profound always stayed with me.Paving the path on the Pilgrimage of LifeDIVINYA TIMESP A G E 1 7Sanda, Croatia Community memberSanda

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I started to look for answers in the spiritual field, in differentteachings, techniques and practices. From time to time I would go tosome retreats, returning after each retreat to my ‘normal life’. Still,nothing seemed to be able to give me a sense of completeness. At onepoint, I started to understand that I had to seek within myself. Insteadof going outwards, gaining more knowledge and reaching far awaydestinations, going deep inside was now my way. This brought me toDivinya. For me, Divinya is a Garden of Eden, where a Sangha is living with arealized Master, who, for me, represents the ultimate Truth and DivineBeauty. The Teachings convey everlasting wisdom, directly applicablein our daily life. Living in Divinya means for me to meet with the mysterious core ofmy very being. Here, I found a space where my love and motherhoodcan be expressed through every act I do. Spirituality is grounded in mydaily activities and the way I take care of others and my surroundings.I can express my love beyond my so-called ‘family’, but everyonewhom I meet becomes part of me and my family. For me, here prayingis not some religious practice but has become the way I perceive andlook at life. I am making the experience that inner silence can becomethe way of my being. Every moment can be experienced as sacred andcomplete. I have realized that I don't need to search for God in thescriptures but I can explore the Godly qualities inside of me, in everyword I use, in whatever I am doing and the way in which I am doing it,in how much I am able to give. I find that life in Divinya can be lived in pure devotion. Wherehumbleness and purity are the wings that carry us and let usexperience the Divine.Divinya has become the destination where my soul finally has found ahome. I am still wondering how is it possible that I am living mychildhood dream? Instead of being successful according to society’sstandards, I have found that there is one more possibility to live thislife. I do not seek acknowledgment for my life from anyone anymore.Instead, I am grateful to engage in a life of service, to humbly live asimple life beyond personal gain, serving the common good. In thislife the saints that I admired all my life so much, have become myreference. I feel I live the journey of my soul, this beautiful pilgrimagededicated to life itself."Life in Divinya can be lived in pure devotion. Wherehumbleness and purity are the wings that carry us and let us experience the Divine."PAGE 18D I V I N Y A T I M E S

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www.divinya.orgWelcome to weekly Peace Gatherings in Divinya – a profound togetherness on the path towards total liberation – a transformative experience to realize the essence of one's life. Melt your heart in devotional singing,and celebrate the Glory of Life. Every Sunday Divinya offers a Singing Gathering and Satsang with Guruji Sri Vast.

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A DIVINYA RECIPE: Autumn Pumpkin SoupWe celebrate autumn at Divinya with all oursenses. When we harvest in our garden, naturepresents itself in all its colors and fantasy. Gratefulfor such a contribution from our garden, thisrecipe brings a delicious autumn experience intoour kitchen. Today Florie shares our favoritepumpkin soup recipe and her experience atDivinya with you.1 kg of pumpkin A pinch of nutmeg1/2 leek 1 tbs of vegetable bouillon1 stalk celery SaltSunflower oil(for 4-5 people)"During my time in Divinya I learned that cookingis not just a simple act; it is not just about cuttingvegetables, adding a few spices, mixing it togetherand making it look beautiful, but it is an expressionof love itself. Every day is an opportunity given tome to express the love I have inside. To take care ofthe people with whom I live. To give joy. Toprovide them with the energy required to keep onbuilding Divinya, our consciousness and ourhome.”Florie, FranceCooking InstructionsCut the pumpkin into medium size cubes (you can keep theskin on). Cut the leek and the celery. Pour some sunfloweroil into a pot. Fry the leek and the celery for a few minutesuntil they are very soft. Add the vegetable bouillon, the saltand the pumpkin. Add some hot water until the vegetablesare entirely covered. Let it cook for 20-30 minutes until thepumpkin is soft. Add a pinch of nutmeg. Blend everythingtogether. Adjust salt and pepper if needed. Enjoy your meal!PAGE 20D I V I N Y A T I M E SIngredients

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HOW TO PARTICIPATEDIVINYA CALENDARLiving EnlightenmentPeace GatheringsRegularly on SundaysMelt your heart in devotional singing, and celebrate the Glory of Life. EverySunday we come together in Divinya for a Singing Gathering and Satsang withGuruji Sri Vast.10-day retreat with Guruji Sri Vast: Every summerWelcome to an 10-day profound inner journey – full of joy, full of love, and full oflight. Guruji Sri Vast shares a profound path to enter into the realm of theenlightened state – a world of pervasive, infinite self.Awakening of the SelfPilgrimsEvery weekend & monthly for 1 week12-day retreat with Guruji Sri Vast: Every winterThis retreat offers guidance on the quest for the awakened state, recapturing ournatural inner peace, joy and freedom. Immersed in the loving and graceful presenceof the Master, we open up to our deepest essence.Ecology & Spirituality3-12 months volunteering program: Starting at the beginning of every monthThose who wish to be part of the Divinya community for a longer period of time andtake part in a transformational learning experience, can apply for Divinya’s uniqueprogram Ecology & Spirituality – The path of the sustainable Yogi.Divinya receives pilgrims from every part of the world. Pilgrims take part in thedaily life of the Sangha and taste the profound, devotional living experience ofbeauty, love, peace, freedom and divine grace. It is a profound, healing and life-affirming experience that supports one's spiritual path with new insights andinspiration. Divya Deha - The Divine BodyAvailable throughout the yearDivinya’s Healing Center offers holistic healing programs, such as Divya Deha,Ayurveda and natural healing practices. We offer 3 to 21-day Divya Deha healing processes which are personalized to meetthe individual life needs.

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All over the world spiritual seekers visit pilgrimage sites, seeking inspiration by thelives of the Saints, Masters and Sanghas, who once lived, realized and explored thehuman potential, which has contributed to the evolution of humanity. Theircollectively lived life experience has influenced the human consciousness and ourway of life. Divinya provides a beautiful opportunity to experience such a life beinglived in our time. Pilgrims in Divinya take part in the daily life of the Sangha andtaste the profound, devotional living experience of beauty, love, peace, freedom anddivine grace. It is a life-affirming and healing experience that supports one'sspiritual path with new insights and inspiration. Divinya is open for pilgrims on weekends and for a 1-week program once amonth. Pilgrims take part in Divinya’s introductory program, where we exploretogether how spirituality and a harmonious, natural living can be brought intopractical everyday life. You have the opportunity to experience daily morningmeditations, yoga, devotional singing and sacred music, silent gatherings for self-inquiry, seva (selfless service), Satsangs, and a contemplative, prayerful livingexperience. an invitationfor pilgrimsFor more